HEY, my name is Tzar Quetzalcoatl and today I will be sharing my journey towards Human Revolution.

Our life has unlimited hurdles and we try our level best to solve and pass those hurdles. We go through different phases of life and also meet different people in the journey of life. Each person who enters our life leaves a great print of his picture in our mind. Sometimes those pictures turn out to be faded or unwanted and this happens because we are not able to interpret the personality of that particular person and it becomes impossible for us to judge him or her if we have only met that person for once. 

It was a winter morning and was the first day of school after the year's gap due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Hardly I knew any child of my class as many of them were new and the rest were from different sections. As I entered the class there was no fear and gloominess among the folks present in the class which gave me great relief. I was sitting thinking about how everything has changed in the past year. I was left with no friends because four of my friends had shifted to different places, schools, and sections.

While I was taking up the notes in the first period I saw a boy entering the class with a mask on. His way of asking permission from the teacher made a note in my mind that he is very conceited and this note was absolutely a big mistake in the end. I started ignoring that boy with an unfriendly and uncompassionate heart. His silence was proving me right that he has a lot of attitudes. But the boy was not bothered about what was happening around him. Soon he was friendly with the rest of the boys in the class but still, I was stonyhearted.

Months passed but my feelings towards him were the same and were unwavering. One day finally we had a word on Instagram and that was our first conversation that changed a few of my feelings regarding him. I was feeling regretful at the very moment when he mentioned that he ' feels alone ' and has ' no good friend '. I was cursing my deceitful thoughts which made a wrong impression of him in my mind. 

Now, we started having a conversation frequently, and also our bond of friendship is growing and I got to know a little bit more about him. My unwanted and judgmental thoughts proved me wrong and made me realize that I was so unsympathetic thinking ill about him. I was shocked to know about the goodness and creativity the boy possessed and made a true and new picture of him in my mind and now we are good friends,

and this is how it was a HUMAN REVOLUTION VICTORY.



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